Proudly Canadian

Scanning, Digital Archiving & Services

Have a treasured print you want to preserve in digital form? No problem, our scanners can handle prints up to 8.5"x 11" in size. However, don't worry if you have a larger print, we have the ability to copy photos larger than 8.5"x 11", it just takes more work (check out "Digital Copy Photo" listed below). Also, we have bulk rates available for 30 prints or more.

Many of us have a box somewhere at the back of our closets filled with old negatives and slides. Some of us were avid documenters of our family life, others just inherited the work of loved ones. Either way, they days of being able to handle negatives and slides are slipping away. The time has come to scan that at least of few of those momentous images and we can help!

Times required for each photofinishing service depends on the store location and work load. For a listing of store locations, contacts and phone numbers please visit locations or contacts.


Medium Resolution1

From Print (up to 8.5"x 11")
Med Res (Printable to 8"x 10")
$1.99 per scan
From 35mm Negative or Slide
Med Res (Printable to 8"x 10")
Single cut negatives will be treated as odd size negatives, $2.99 per frame.
$1.19 per frame
PLUS:$12.99 per 16 GB Flash Drive
From Full Roll, Uncut 35mm Negative or Slides (12, 24 or 36 exposure)
Med Res (Printable to 8"x 10")
$9.99 per roll to customer supplied flash drive

$22.99 with flash drive supplied by McBain

$17.99 per roll for cloud service (emailing)

High Resolution Film / Negative Scanning

Higher bit depth, better shadow and highlight detail
1000 dpi $2.99 per frame
2000 dpi $4.99 per frame
4000 dpi $6.99 per frame
PLUS: $12.99 per 16 GB Flash Drive
  • Unless specified, scan will be 1000 DPI
  • Files can be saved in JPEG or TIFF format (default: JPEG)
  • High resolution scans are available for the following original formats:
    • 35mm negative or slides<
    • 120 / 220 film
    • Odd sized negatives
  • Scanning fees do not include flashdrive

Digital Copy Photo Service

for prints larger than 8.5"x 11"
Digital Copy Photo* $75.00
Please note we cannot duplicate prints larger than 16x24

Bulk Print Scans3

for prints smaller than 8.5"x 11"
Set-Up Fee for 1st Flash Drive (additional flash drives charged at retail) $15.00
Quantity 300 dpi 600 dpi
1 - 49 $0.79 $1.19
50 - 99 $0.69 $1.09
100 - 249 $0.59 $0.99
250 - 499 $0.49 $0.89
500 plus $0.39 $0.79

Bulk 35mm Slide Scans4

35mm mounted or unmounted slides only
Set-Up Free (includes first flash drive) $15.00
35mm Slides - Bulk Scanning (20 or more) $0.85 per slide
Extra Flash Drive (if required) $12.99

Digital Services

Transfer Media

Transfers to USB Drive
(sources: memory cards, hard drive, etc.)
128GB USB Drive included.
$1.00 per gigabyte transferred - minimum of $30.00 per source

Data Recovery

We can recover files that have been lost or deleted from your memory card! Though we can't guarantee all recoveries will work, we typically have a high rate of success. No charge will apply if recovery is unsuccessful.
Data Recovered and Saved to Flash Drive $59.95
1 Scans are saved as JPEG files
3 Please provide photos and slides in the order you wish them to be scanned. Photos with tears, sticky residue, tape, sticky notes, staples, are bound to cardboard, are smaller than 2"x 3" or larger than 8.5"x 11" cannot be bulk scanned.
4 Files are large enough for presentations, online use and 4x6”/5x7” prints only. All dust and scratches on slides will show on files. No further discounts apply. Renaming or re-orientation not included.