Proudly Canadian

Screen Protection

Your camera screen is vulnerable to nuisances like scratches, fingerprints and glare, and we have the solution at McBain! ProtectionPro is a high-performance screen and device protection system perfect for safeguarding your camera's display. In addition, adding ProtectionPro offers photographers peace of mind when shooting and storing their camera, offering benefits including:

  • Impact Protection
  • Scratch Resistance
  • Self Healing
  • Anti-Glare
  • Anti-Fingerprint
  • Optical Clarity
  • Smooth, Silky Feel
  • Touch Sensitivity

Bring your camera to the McBain Camera location nearest you to have ProtectionPro added to your screen. Please allow 3-4 business days to complete your order.

Screen Protection Service

ProtectionPro Custom Screen Protector $34.99
Service Time: 3-4 Business days