Proudly Canadian

Video Transfers

We can transfer your old home movies to digital format for easy entertainment at the next family gathering; duplicate your wedding videotapes for friends and relatives far away; or convert videotapes from Europe or Asia to North American standard allowing you to enjoy video sent from family and friends overseas! McBain can also archive your old reels of 8 or 16mm film to digital, allowing your priceless family memories to be enjoyed for decades to come.

For more information on video transfers and turn around times please call us at 780-420-0404 or email us at

Video Transfers from Video Cassette

Transfers to USB Drive
(sources: VHS, VHS-C, Beta, Video 8, Hi8, Digital 8, Mini DV)
Standard $70.00 per tape
128GB USB Drive included.
Volume Discount (20 cassettes or more) 10% Off Order
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Not sure what is on your VHS tape? We have a VHS Player available for rent!

Video Transfers from Digital Media

Transfers to USB Drive
(sources: memory cards, hard drive, USB, etc.)
128GB USB Drive included.
$1.00 per gigabyte transferred - minimum of $30.00 per source
Transfers to Playable DVD (1080p resolution)
(sources: memory cards, hard drive, etc.)
High capacity cards and hard drives may require multiple DVDs.
$50.00 per DVD
Extra DVD Copies $15.00 per copy
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

International Format Conversion

sources: VHS, DVD, Mini DVD, Video 8, Hi8 or Digital 8 (PAL, SECAM, NTSC)
To USB Drive $70.00 per hour - minimum of 1 hour
128GB USB Drive included.
Please allow 15-20 business days for delivery.

8mm & 16mm Projector Film to USB Drive

Feet of film Estimated Cost
50 $90.00
100 $115.00
150 $135.00
200 $155.00
250 $175.00
300 $195.00
350 $215.00
400 $234.00
450 $255.00
500 $275.00
550 $295.00
600 $315.00
650 $335.00
700 $355.00
750 $375.00
800 $395.00
850 $415.00
900 $435.00
950 $455.00
1000 $475.00
Video Set-up Fee $75 plus $0.40/ft
3 inch diameter reel = 50 feet
5 inch diameter reel = 200 feet
7 inch diameter reel = 400 feet

1 hour of video is approximately 1000 feet for 8mm or 2000 feet for 16mm

Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery

Audio Conversions from Cassette to USB Drive

Single audio track $75.00 per hour of audio
Separated into tracks $100.00 per hour of audio
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery