Harman Red 125 Redscale Color Negative 35mm Film (36 Exposure)
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Item is currently available to ship.Harman Red 125 is a specialty film crafted for redscale enthusiasts, offering a unique color palette by exposing images through the film's base and red-sensitive layer. This process results in vivid hues of red, orange, and yellow while significantly reducing blue tones and emphasizing deep, dramatic shadows. Designed as a 35mm film with a medium ISO speed of 125, it features a clear base, high red sensitivity, and no anti-halation layer, ensuring a well-balanced emulsion with minimal speed loss.
When it comes to exposure, different levels will yield distinct visual characteristics. Underexposing the film enhances shadow depth, introduces subtle green tones, and results in a coarser grain. Normal exposure produces a balanced grain structure with stronger orange hues and softer shadows. Overexposure leads to finer grain, increased contrast, and dominant red and orange tones. Harman Red 125 is developed using standard C41 or CN16 processing chemicals, and bracketed exposures do not require any special processing adjustments.
Unlike traditional color films, redscale emulsions are coated on the reverse side of the film. For optimal results, users can adjust the orientation of the emulsion when loading it into a reloadable cartridge if needed. The film is also highly compatible with a variety of commercial scanners, making digital processing seamless. While standard C41 films allow for automatic dust and scratch removal through Digital Image Correction and Enhancement (Digital ICE), this feature may not be as effective on redscale films due to their unique emulsion placement.
- Reverse-Rolled Color Negative Film
- ISO 125/22 degrees in C41 Process
- Strong Red, Yellow, and Orange Cast
- Effect Can Be Controlled By Exposure
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